Peer Review Process

The Peer Review Process

The purpose of the peer review process is to ensure the publication of high-quality and original scientific works. All articles published in SWCE are peer-reviewed, and every article submitted for publication goes through the peer review process described below.


All papers submitted to the journal are first subjected to a pre-evaluation by the Editor and Editorial Board. Papers that do not fall within the scope of the journal or do not meet the content and formatting requirements of a scientific paper may be rejected or require some revisions before the peer-review process is initiated. During this stage, no article can be accepted for publication by the editor without a positive peer review

Peer Review Policy

SWCE employs a double-blind peer review system where the identities of both the reviewers and authors are kept confidential at every stage of the process.

Peer Review Evaluation

Papers that pass the pre-evaluation stage are sent to at least two reviewers selected by the editor and/or the Editorial Board. The number of reviewers can be increased when deemed necessary by the Editor or Editorial Board. Reviewers are selected from the pool of experts in consideration of their respective fields.


Reviewers evaluate the papers in terms of originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of findings, support for conclusions, and the utilization of prior studies. Reviewers may either accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript's content and/or format. For a manuscript to be accepted for publication, it must receive positive reviews from at least two reviewers.

Final Evaluation

For all manuscripts that have received positive reviews and are in the publication stage, a final evaluation is conducted by the Editor. Manuscripts deemed "publishable" by the Editorial Board are placed in the publication queue.